Early in the summer, Klas had presented our project 13th June 2017 at the 15th national conference for music research, “Musikforskning idag!”. The conference was jointly arranged by the Swedish Society for Musicology and the College of Music in Piteå (Luleå University of Technology). The invited presenters came from many different areas, ranging from artistic research to musicology and pedagogy, and was a valuable opportunity for us to connect with other researchers and their perspectives.
At this point in the project we decided to focus our work within the research team, so that we would have more time to prepare the sessions and concentrate on continuously developing all the material we have been assembling so far.
Duo Lab #2 – Black Box, Royal College of Music in Stockholm
10/07/17 “03 GranularLP_aggregatelistening”
10/07/17 “10 Patterning_reductioncarefree”
Time for a new duo session with Klas and I joining forces for a two-day session in the Black Box at KMH. I lost my Elektron Analog Rytm in a fire in April earlier this year and have decided to wait for the mkII that should be out in December, so for this session we had to settle for acoustic drums only. Klas on the other hand had his machines and software ready, and we happily threw ourselves into different loops, patterns and microtonal soundscapes.
In the first audio example we’re trying something we call “aggregate listening” where we consciously try to listen and react to the aggregate (combined, amalgamated) material instead of the details in either ones own or another player’s contributions.
The second audio are rhythms programmed in iPad software “Patterning” (Olympia Noise Co.) and Klas and I fluctuating between reductionist/disciplined and lavish/carefree approaches, sometimes in sync and sometimes in non-sync with each other.
-Ricard Österstam